Personal UK Subscription
Is your subscription to PMLD LINK for yourself and do you pay tax? If this is so and if you sign a gift aid form, then PMLD LINK can get an extra 25p for every £1 you pay to us for your subscription, in a tax refund from the government. This will help PMLD LINK significantly.
If you have already subscribed and have not filled in a Gift Aid form yet, please use the one available below and send it to the PMLD Link Treasurer at the address shown on the form. Alternatively please fill out the form opposite and we can do it for you.
You can cancel this Declaration at any time by notifying PMLD LINK. If you pay tax at the higher rate, you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return.
If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, refer to help sheet IR65 on the HMRC web site (
Many thanks for your support.